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备考信息 2023年11月28日 01:48 61 硕博专家












 仅使积累了教学经验,也更让我懂得如何与学生沟通和建立彼此之间的信任感。 目前,我正在XX中学进行教育实习,并担任一个班的实习班主任。我热爱教育,热爱这群学生。在校园活动方面,我积极参加学校及院系组织的各项活动和比赛,多次荣获奖项。作为文艺部部长,我成功策划过迎新晚会和元旦晚会。参加比赛,组织活动都很好的锻炼了我的能力。





 经过 4 年的大学生活,学到了一些 专业的理论与实践知识,积极的参加社 会实践工作,锻炼了自身的心理素质和 人际交往能力。 求学生涯的学习上,四年里本着严 谨的求学态度,认真学习了专业知识, 掌握了专业技能涉猎了丰富的相关课外 知识。有较强的创新意识和较强的自学 能力,能熟练应用办公软件等 在校期间能积极参加各项活动, 诚实守信、责任心强、仔细认真、工作 踏实、对自己严格要求、有团队精神、 拥有较强的组织能力和适应能力、并具 有较强的管理策划与组织管理协调能 力。 在生活方面,热情待人,对于自己 的过错勇于承担责任,受到老师、同学 好评。能够吃苦耐劳、诚实、自信、敬 业。具有较强的责任心,并且脚踏实地 的努力的办好每一件事。














 1. 自我介绍(Self-introduction)


 Iremember Mr Lin Yutang once said that, a gentleman's speech should like alady's skirt, long enough to cover the point, short enough to be interesting.And I will try to introduce myself in that way.

 My name isxxx. Bornin xxx province, I feel quite lucky that I can finish my undergraduate educationin xx. Over the last threeyears,I was mainly concentrating on obtaining knowledge,Not only from books,but also from social activities.

 From my perspective, integrated development is vital.So I onceplayed a role as the secretary of the Party and the monitor in my class,from which I learned to build a sense of responsibility and furthered myorganizitional ability. Moreover,Ialso spare time doing a projectcalled ‘xxx’in a group. From which I learned how to conduct a scientific study and also the way to cooperate with others.By doing allthese above, I also learn how to manage time.

 My personal objective is to attain a doctor degree in Geotechnical Engineering and become an expert in this field so as to contribute to the development of our motherland. I would highly appreciate your favorable consideration on my application. And it’s my cherished dream that someday, when asked to describe myself,I can proudly say: I am a doctor in Geotechnical Engineering from xxx university.

 Thankyou very much for your time!

 2.读研原因(Reasons for my choice)

 There are three reasonsaccounting for my persuing doctor degree in Tongji university.

 The first one is I am longfor doing research in Geotechnique engineering throughout my life. As the founder of soil mechanics once said that ‘Soil Mechanics arrived at the borderline between science and art’. The beauty of geotechnical engineering drives me to seek advenced theory in this field. I suppose this is the most important factor in mydecision.

 Secondly,though I learnt a bit from my undergraduate courses during the past three years. However, I thinkfurther study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in thiscompetitive modern world.

 Last but not least, I have beendeeply impressed by the academic atmosphere told by my senior highschool classmate xxx.xxx university is widely recognized as one of the most famous universities in our country, it provides students withenough room to get further achievement and careful guidence from their tutors. I regard Tongji as the best place to realize my goal in life.

 3.研究生期间你的计划(Plans in the postgraduate study)

 Firstof all, I would like to make use of these valuable time in xx to form a systematic view of Geotechnique engineering.For my point of view,only In that way can I fully understand the knowledge body in this subject.

 Secondly, I would prefer to master the procedure in conducting scientific research along with the method in construction design.Hoping these can help me form the elmentary capacity as a civil engineer.

 Last but not least,If possible, Iwill go on with my study for doctorate degree.

 I’ve got a clear mind that further study is in urgent need for me, and I would not waste this wonderful chance to make me more competitive in the future!

 4 .介绍你的'家乡(Hometown)

 I am from xxxx, the capital of xxx province.Being the intersection of Longhai Railway and JingGuang Railway ,xxx is famous as a vitaltransportation hub.Thanks to this important position, the city has prospered.

 And one thing you should not forget about xxx is its’ 3500 years history.The ancient city was the capital of Shang Dynasty. A long history has left xxx with many cultural and historic sites.

 As one of its famous sites, Shaolin Temple situated at the foot of Mt. Song is the cradle of Shaolin Kong Fu. If you are interested in Chinese Kong Fu, the temple and the performances must be seen.

 Besides, One of the four Academies of Classical Learning in the Song Dynasty, Songyang Shuyuan, gives a complete presentation of Chinese ancient education.

 Many celebrities were born here. Like, Bai Juyi,Dufuand Ning Zetao. You know,there is a saying that ‘The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place’. I think the city really deserves it.

 For anyone interested in Chinese ancient history and wishing to know more on it, xxx is one city that should not be missed.

 It will be my great honor to show you dear professors to visit this lovely city!



 For a long time,xxx University of Science And Technology is best known as the Four colleges of Engineering in China. Founded in 1952 and covers an area over7000 Mu.So if you dear professors would like to visit our campus, I strongly recommand you ride a bike, or you could easily got tired after you tour in our campus.HUST used to be considered as a school of science and engineering. But after the reform and opening up,it gradually develops into a comprehensiveuniversity with efforts of generations. In which,the devotion from our former headmaster Mr.Zhu Jiusi and Yang Shuzi must be taken into consideration.

 Our university is also famous for its capacity of trees,approximately over 800 thousand.And this story is told to every freashman when they come to school. That is, if you gonna cut down even one tree in campus, you have to make a report to our headmaster. And you can’t cut it without his permission. Which is lucky for us students to enjoy its shade in hot summer days.

 Last but not least,I can proudly say HUST takes the lead among the universities in China with excellent teaching andscientific research ability. So I really appreciate that I can finish my undergraduate study in HUAzhong University of Science And Technology.



标签: 推免生面试_推免英语面试问题

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